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VAIO Problem


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Hi everyone, i tried to install iatkos on my Vaio VGN-NR120e/s and when the blue installation screen appears it turns into 4 separate flickering screens, anybody knows why??




PS: It has a mobile intel gl960 express chipset with a pentium dual core (SS3)

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  • 4 months later...

Hi JowGC8! -_-

I have a sony vaio VGN-NR120E and when i try to install iAtkos resultme the same problem that you, so please tell me if you have get it the installation.



PS: sorry for my english is just that im mexican & i just know a little of english!


Hi everyone, i tried to install iatkos on my Vaio VGN-NR120e/s and when the blue installation screen appears it turns into 4 separate flickering screens, anybody knows why??




PS: It has a mobile intel gl960 express chipset with a pentium dual core (SS3)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems like either no body else has problems with sony laptops with GMA 950 and GMA X3100, or nobody cares to fix them. I really hope someone out there can lend us a hand.


I have the exact same problem, except mine is a NR160E-S and I am having problems with GMAX3100. After I remove all video kexts, both X3100 and GMA950, I can get to VESA, but that's not the point.


Again, hopefully someone out there can help.





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After quite a bit of research, I finally found a fix for my VAIO. I have a 160E/S but the 120E/S is basically the same graphics chipset X3100.


I hope my info works out for you guys. Let me know if it worked over on my thread.




Prof. Synthology


Sony VAIO and 10.5.3 Graphics GMA X3100 Thread

The fix is found on post #3, along with necessary files.

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After quite a bit of research, I finally found a fix for my VAIO. I have a 160E/S but the 120E/S is basically the same graphics chipset X3100.


I hope my info works out for you guys. Let me know if it worked over on my thread.




Prof. Synthology


Sony VAIO and 10.5.3 Graphics GMA X3100 Thread

The fix is found on post #3, along with necessary files.


Thank you, i'll try with this

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm trying to install Leopard Kalyway on my Vaio VGN-FS285H:


- Intel Pentium M 740 1.73ghz

- 1GB Mb Ram

- Nvidia GeForce GO 6200 with TurboCache 128mb


I installed Leopard correctly, but after the first startup I only get a white screen. I tried all the nvidia installers and drivers and I discovered it isn't due to nvidia drivers, but to vaio display drivers.


Did you solve this problem?

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