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QE and CI on a 9800 pro


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still a noob here...


I'm running at 1600x1200 with the help of callisto on kalyway's 10.4.10 but I want to get qe an ci going. Reading through the faq it says to:


"Look in your /System/Library/Extensions folder for ATIRadeonXXXXGA.plugin/ (XXXX depends on your card model). Edit its Info.plist, under IOProviderClass key change IONDRVFramebuffer to CallistoFB, update or delete Extensions.mkext and Extensions.kextcache, then reboot."


My question is what's this callistofb and is it a file on the hard drive somewhere? I tried searching for it but nothing came up. I read this thread and got a little gunshy:






How far off am I on this?

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Thanks for the quick reply.


There were callisto packages(?) on the kalyway 10.4.10 dvd. I installed from there. I went from the default 1024x768 to 1600x1200 resolution with it. It's working except I don't have qe or ci. It now says "unsupported" for both in the system info for the card.


Is callistoFB a file that's suppose to be on my system, because I don't see it anywhere or is it just an instruction within some other file I'm not suppose to see? That's what getting me confused the most.


I followed the callisto install instructions to a tee and everything worked fine. I could actually see the results of what was happening (ie. rm... I saw that the files were removed after I did it.) Just sort of hesitant after I saw what happened in that other thread I mentioned. Although I've read a bunch of threads where you helped out concerning callisto and ati cards... matter of fact, one of your responses set me straight!

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Callisto is used to enable the other screen resolutions aside 1024x768..


To enable your QE/CI, try using the ATIRadeonXXXXGA.plugin from Jas 10.4.8 dvd.. Im using 9700 pro and the kext from Jas are the only ones that can enabled QE/CI for my gfx card.

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thanks for the help.


I've done some stuff and I'm gonna try the replacing IONDRVFramebuffer to CallistoFB in the plist of the ATIRadeon9700GA.plugin method after I backup the stuff I've done in a few days. Hopefully all will go OK.

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well, still no joy.


I finally swapped IONDRVFramebuffer to CallistoFB in the info.plist of the ATIRadeon9700GA.plugin. Also, installed AGPGart 2.2. Still no QE or CI.


Like I've mentioned before, is there supposed to be a physical CallistoFB file somewhere on my computer or is this just a command within some other file? So far what I've found relating to the Callisto install are 3 html files in a Callisto folder (faq, installation, troubleshoot) and 2 files in the system/library/extensions folder (Callisto.kext and CallistoHAL.kext). Are there supposed to be any other files anywhere else?


p.s. I don't recall what it was before (I re-installed everything fresh) but now the card shows up as a pci device. Any ideas?

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