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I have a PCI-E Geforce 6600 that I'm using in my hackintosh. Uphuck 10.4.9 installs just fine with it (P4 Northwood, SSE2), but I get blackouts whenever OS X tries to use the card's acceleration features: playing video, 3D effects etc. After a second the screen comes back for a moment, then it blacks out again. Once the video / 3D effect / etc stops, the blackouts stop. I get the same behaviour whether I use Titan or Natit drivers


What is causing this?


Edit: Solved. OS X just doesn't like the card. Replaced it.

I don´t know if this is the same issue you´re having, but this happens to my system when it overheats. With me it happens if I overcharge my cpu (using audio and Image programs at the sime time). Besides that, my case ventilation is far from good, that´s why I keep a big fan pointed to my cpu. Whenever it happens (usually when the weather is hot) I open the case and turn the fan on, and it stops right away. I know, this is very primitive, but it works... :blink:

Okay, I've tried replacing the PSU, and that seemed to help for a while, but the blackouts came back.


As luck would have it, I managed to get hold of a PCI-E Geforce 7300LE. Hardly a fast card, but it worked immediately and hasn't blacked out once.


So perhaps OS X just doesn't like some cards: the 6600 I originally tried again is working fine in a PC. Odd.

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