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You have several options:

1. Compile the source on an an PowerPC Mac, compile the same source on an Intel Mac, then merge them to an universal binary with lipo.

2. Compile and crosscompile the source on a Mac (Intel or PowerPC), then merge them to an universal binary with lipo.

3. Compile directly to an universal binary on a Mac (PowerPC or Intel).

4. Download separate precompiled Intel an PowerPC binaries, then merge them to an universal binary with lipo.


It depends how the source are set up and which build system and compiler it requires.

Xcode or configure/make, GCC 3.3 or 4.0 ....

how does one go about making a PPC application into a universal binary that supports Intel Applications aswell?!


like the azureus.

how would we do that?!

Azureus is in Java and should work.

I Azureus is you main target, then I would pick up the PowerPC and Intel builds and merge them with lipo

No need to use much time to build them yourself when they are available...

Intel -> http://www.uploading.com/get.php?get=29SV4Q5Z

PowerPC -> http://azureus.sourceforge.net/download.php


Azureus is not a native (Cocoa or Carbon) Mac OS X application, so afaik it dont build using Xcode or a straight configure/make. But if you really want to give it a try, first install Xcode Tools. Then download and unpack the Azureus source code: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/azureus...ce.zip?download



That said, building applications is not for everybody. Since it sometimes involves modifying source code to get a successful build.

Edited by Fugu
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