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hey all,


i got a leopard dvd from a good ol' .torrent site and its a 6GB .dmg file,


i want to patch the dvd and may be convert it to a single layer dvd. can some one help me with how to do this? helping with patching and converting to single laye? or direct me to a tutorial that works, i am currently using vista and do not have access to any macs.


thank you,

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You have 2 options:


Download Tiger and install it on your machine, then follow this tutorial to patch your Leopard DVD


Download another torrent that is patched already (BCGirl?)


Thanks for the reply,


1.i downloaded tiger and it was only a 1.5gb file from .macnub somthing?... do you know of a link for the tutorial for how to install the tiger?


2. i have downloaded 4 different torrents, which apparently were patched, but none work, the tutorial above needs a tiger installed first, which i dont have, do you recommend a specific torrent that has worked for you?


Apparently there is a ppf patch that will patch the DVD in windows..


hi hagar,


do you know of a link or tutorial for the patch?



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