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I've been having the exact same problem for about 6 months now. I've tried JaS, tubgirl, and upchuck with the same message, various versions. JaS and tubgirl 10.4.8, upchuck 8-9. I've done various changes to my bios, even updating it last week, and switched the jumpers around from my DVD/HD with no luck. About 4 months ago I did have a few versions of OSX working via vmware with little problem, but I would like to install it natively.


I've been looking though the forums and wiki and haven't found much help. That, or I'm not looking in the right place.



My system is:


AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+

geforce 6150

nforce 410/430 MPC

2gig DDR2 ram



Not quite sure what ur trying to do here - are you trying to install on ur HDD or ur USB device?


I would recomend that if ur trying to install onto ur HDD that u first unplug any other HDDS and USB drives (including card readers etc), set ur HDD controllers to IDE and/or Legacy mode within Bios. Use a good install DVD like JAS 10.4.8 or the upcomming Mac.nub release and select only the AMD drivers for the first attempt. Once u have sucessfully installed OSX u should be able to plug all ur other drives back in without trouble.


Hope this helps

set ur HDD controllers to IDE and/or Legacy


Thanks for the reply.


It helped a little. My bios doesn't have any Legacy/IDE options. I unpluged my card reader (ugh, all this time and I couldn't figure that one out). I still has the waiting for device bit, but now it's for the OHCI/EHCI to activate. I am not sure I'm understanding you on the disabling all the USB ports though. That's the only way I can have a keyboard/mouse.


My bios only has a SATA (on/off) and RAID for the hard drive. Nothing else.

I didnt say disable the USB ports just unplug any usb DRIVES.

If it has a raid option you should definatly turn that off.

Let me know if that helps

Also if u can give the exact model number of ur montherboard that would help

Ah I think the problem is that most current install dvds do not support nforce based boards.

The new mac.nub release does I believe. Check here for info on it. http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=67279

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