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So far, I have set on the BIOS the "Frame apperture Size" of the Video Options, to its lowest option: 512K


This has forced the installer to use a lower resolution. However it is almost unreadeable as the video comes in an black and white. I'll try to navigate trough the installer and after everything is setup I'll change the configuration to use the 800x600 mode.


However, if anyone has a better solution, I'll surely will appreciate it.


Thank you!



I installed the OSX after guessing the screens.


When it starts for the first time, it gets the Gray Screen and Apple and it plays musics where - I guess - it begins the registration at apple, or the timezone /whatever. The problem is that the Gray Apple never goes away, and let the graphics come out.


I have tried to use the following as a flag at the start up:

platform-X86PC "Graphics Mode"-"800×600×16"


Same behaviour... Different Video Configuration at the Bios provides the same results.


Any lights on this matter?... please...


Thank you!



Tha problem was not the flag...


The Bios, (By the way, an Intel 845 based) had the PCI instead the AGP for the Video Option.


All I had to do besides correcting the above, was to set the Frame to 512 KB, but just to install the OSX, and later restore it to something more decent, and to include the TAG for the 800x600 graphics.


Bye now...

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