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install on a USB hard drive?


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I'm using the uphuck 1.4a install dvd to try to install osx 10.4.9 onto an external USB hard drive. The installer worked beautifully, but the install hangs on "AppleGenericPCATADriver: CMD 0x3f4, IRQ 14". I assume this has something to do with USB, because the next 2 or 3 lines after that when I boot the dvd say something about USB. I have an ASUS M2N-X motherboard, the installer doesn't recognize my SATA hard drive.


I have:


1 gb RAM

AMD X2 3800+ cpu

ASUS M2N-X with nforce 520 chipset


The external HD is a 7200 rpm Western Digital MyBook 160GB usb external Hard drive which says it's compatible with os x on the box.


After I boot once and it hangs, I have to hard-reset my pc and from then on it gives me a chain booting error and refuses to boot completely. (I use the Windows bootloader + chain0 method.)


I've installed quite a few times with different selections of packages, but nothing seems to work.


Is there some other install dvd I should use that has better USB HDD (or SATA) support?


(argh, I forgot to mention, my USB keyboard and mouse work fine in the installer as well.)


I've searched Google as well as these forums quite a bit and haven't found a case exactly like mine.


Thanks in advance! ^_^

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Install the SATA Support driver OR the nForce4 SATA driver when you are installing OS X. Try both but do NOT install them together. I recommend installing the SATA Support driver because it installs PATA drivers too. Both of them can be found under Drivers >> System.


Also install the USB Driver (Under Drivers >> System) along with one of the above SATA patches.


BTW, I successfully installed Uphuck 1.4iR3 on an external USB drive.

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Install the SATA Support driver OR the nForce4 SATA driver when you are installing OS X. Try both but do NOT install them together. I recommend installing the SATA Support driver because it installs PATA drivers too. Both of them can be found under Drivers >> System.


Also install the USB Driver (Under Drivers >> System) along with one of the above SATA patches.


BTW, I successfully installed Uphuck 1.4iR3 on an external USB drive.


Thanx, I'll try that now. Also, what kind of USB drive did you use? (or does it not matter, so long as I can boot from it?)

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