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Just finish download the ISO and installed it. Work perfectly and even faster than 10.4.9.

Thanks to the compilation as it included many software and even printer drivers.

Now i can use the IWork'08(but not the slideshow application as my graphic card limitation).


My spec:

AMD Athlon 64

Nvidia 6100 (although QE&QI not supported but resolution @ 1024*768)

Pata setting on HDD

Wireless USB works!(Zydas driver from this forum-thanks!)


*the installation took about 20min~(aditional software like Itunes etc)

*download speed faster than windows xp even without IDM.(used Safari) :P


question- if i want to buy a new graphic card, which suite best with osx86?(PCIe)

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I'm running it smooth as butter on my system :)> Installation was a snap and No problems so far with it. Running for quite a few weeks now.




AMD 3500 + 2.42Ghz OC'ed.

XFX 7900GS 600 Core/1600 Clock

Built in Ethernet

80GB Sata HDD. *(And alot of other HDD's)

*Not working on OS X 10.4.10 is my Audigy 2 card..... ;)>

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