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I recently had the privilege of watching a friend play Tiberium Wars on his MBP C2D 2.2 both on his osx (APPARENTLY TRNSGAMING MADE THIS POSSIBLE) and also on vista. Surprisingly though, Vista allowed it to run really smoothly, and i mean REALLY smoothly, whereas on the OSX it lagged like mad, just horrid. i was wondering if it was due to the fact that its using transgaming methods (not running natively) or is it due to VISTA being able to enable turbocache for Nvidia card. Anyone have any thoughts on this?



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I'm just guessing that it's the Cider part that is mostly to blame for this.. Going to try Tiberium Wars on Vista later on to see the difference but i guess there will be a significant one...


Edit: I havent tried C&C3 but I tried HL2 Episode Two and it ran great at 1440*900... 163.75 drivers...

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