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finalmente son riuscito ad installare il mac osx x86 10.4.8


solo he ho il problema della scheda di rete e dell'audio ho i driver per la scheda di rete ma non riesco ad insallarli perchè non so come fare ho una guida che ho scaricato con i driver ma non so che significa:la guida è questa se sapete aiutarmi a risolvere queso mio problema mandatemi qualche messaggio

grazie di tutto


1. Install:

I suggest you install this driver by hand.

Usually, you may use the shell script named loadvia inside the tar ball to load this driver. The script assume you has sudo privilege.

If you have logged in as root or su to root, I think you know what to do.


Install the driver by this way is safe, if the driver crashed or stalled, just reset, system will reboot without loading this driver.


But if you are tired to setup network after every reboot, you may insert the driver into system, by this way:

mv or cp the ViaRhine.kext to /System/Library/Extensions

adjust file attributes as:


sudo chown -R root:wheel ViaRhine.kext

sudo find ViaRhine.kext -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;

sudo find ViaRhine.kext -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;


After reboot, the driver will be loaded.


Thanks mechdrew, you make me understand, you guys trust the driver so much to crash the whole system.


2. Config network:

"sudo ifconfig en0 up" to enable the NIC. You need wait for some seconds to let the driver finish link media auto negotiation.

You may use sudo ifconfig en0 inet netmask up to assign an ip or use graphics tool at System Preference | network | built-in ethernet to fill all attributes.


I encourage you to use graphics tool at System Preferences | network | built-in ethernet | ethernet to adjust ethernet parameters to crash the driver if you have installed the driver by hand.


3.ADSL Dial-up:

If you are adsl subscriber like me, you will need take a look at the PPPoE tab of network preference. I suggest you to check "Show PPPoE status in menu bar" so that you may control the adsl connection by the icon in the menu bar. It is more easy than Finder | Application | Internet Connection.


4. NAT Gateway:

If you need share the internet connection with other computer inside the LAN, you will setup the mac as NAT gateway.

It is a easy task, System Preferences | sharing | internet, check the built-in ethernet and click start button.

After shared, the ip of the en0 will be forced to It is not a good idea, but it is not a easy task to struggle with ipfw and natd.

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