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Since the forums here won't let me start my own new topic yet, I guess this is the closest thread to my topic.


I'm wondering if anyone has had luck installing JaS as a Virtual Box guest? If so, what are the proper settings? I've tried "JaS OS 10.4.8 AMD Intel SSe2 SSe3 Beta v2". The installation itself goes fine for me, but first boot gives the message "System config file '/com.apple.Boot.plist' not found'". Subsequent boots give the same message, or after removing the install disk, Virtual Box gives the message "FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted"".


The reason I want a Tiger guest is for testing several applications and applets that I'm developing (it is essential to be able to test on Tiger, not just Leopard and Snow Leopard). I have already seen the guide for installing JaS as a VMWare guest, but I personally much prefer to use Virtual Box if its possible. Virtual Box is much faster and more stable in my experience (my only problem so far has been installing Tiger), and it is open-source, which gives me more options for tweaking performance. I've installed Deadmoo as a Virtual Box guest, but it is severely limited as OS X hacks go. I'd much prefer either to install JaS or to use an EFI emulator that would work with a retail Tiger universal install DVD. The second option doesn't seem likely, as I've only had luck finding EFI programs that work for Leopard and Snow Leopard (Rebel EFI, Empire EFI, etc), but none have worked for Tiger (user error, perhaps?)


For reference, my host is Ubuntu Lucid 64-bit, and I'm using Virtual Box version 3.2.

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