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How to add/install drivers?


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It may be a no-brainer to many, and I have experimented, but I cannot seem to copy the kext into the system folder. And I cannot edit the plist files.


Now, I am pretty handy at the old Windoze and relize it's likely a permissions problem, but how do I fix it on OSx86 (which I am green at).


Thanks a bunch for any assistance.



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Instructions for copying kexts. Open Terminal (Applications/Utilities). Enter the following commands (press enter after each one):


sudo -s



cp -R /System/Library/Extensions


Replace with the path of the kext. If you want to make it easy, move the kext you want to copy to the Desktop and use this ommand instead of the above cp -R command (replace with filename of kext):


cp -R ~/Desktop/


Thats it! Repair permissions using Disk Utility (/Applications/Utilities) and reboot.

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