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hello i just boucht an macbook pro

i have installed window on it xp

an then the trouble started

each time i start the laptop he gives the withe screen for a long time and then the black screen comes and in the left corner a - starts knippring (don't now writh word) the - comes and disepears constandsly and windows dousn't start what do i have to do

i have set in mac that the laptop should start in windows

what schould i do???????


thanks for any help

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Press and HOLD the ALT key while booting your computer and you will be presented with a boot manager. Boot OSX, got to System-Preferences->Startup-Disk and select OSX as your default boot partition.

I had this problem after installing windows once and I had to reinstall it.





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Press and HOLD the ALT key while booting your computer and you will be presented with a boot manager. Boot OSX, got to System-Preferences->Startup-Disk and select OSX as your default boot partition.

I had this problem after installing windows once and I had to reinstall it.






it still dous't work i already see my arrow and the black screen dousn't show up ut the boot manager dous'nt come

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Oh my god... I know its the modern era, and we're not supposed to be judgmental, jingoistic and all that {censored}... But I can just hear how this guy must sound in real life... And it cracks me up.


Anyway, make sure you're holding down the Option/Alt Key. It should have both of those words on the key if it's the same as in the US. DO NOT hold down the command (⌘) key, as that's not the one you want.


DO HOLD: Option or Alt (It's the same key)

DO NOT HOLD: Command Clover or ⌘


Took me forever to realize that when people said Alt they didn't mean ⌘.

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