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I did an install of Uphuck 10.4.9 v1.4iR3 and the installation was successful (eventually after about 30 tries) and I am using the 8.8.1 Semthex kernel because the 8.9.1 kernel was unstable on my system. I noticed that lots of the i-Apps are missing (iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, etc.). I managed to get the Mail program installed from my JaS 10.4.8 DVD but I can't find the rest of the programs on the DVDs. I have a Kalyway 10.4.10 DVD that I installed iPhoto from (using Pacifist) but the iPhoto I installed from the disc didn't launch.


Anyone have any idea where I can get the rest of the iApps??


Thanks in advance


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I think I might have found the answer. Do all these apps come with iLife? I am just wondering because in my OS X 10.3, all these apps came preinstalled. Also, as I've said already, all the apps I need are on the Kalyway disc but when I install the .app program using Pacifist, the program won't launch. Is there anything else I need to install other than the .app files themselves to make the programs work?

OK I found out that most of the apps I am looking for are part of iLife but there are two I still can't find: Dictionary and Chess. Where can I find these apps?

Congrats on finally getting your USB up and running. Have you tried copying Dictionary and Chess from your VMWare installation? Not sure about chess, but copying Dictionary works. Besides copying the program itself, there is a dictionary folder that also needs to be copied. I'm not at my Hackintosh at the moment, but when I get back, if you haven't found it yet, I'll find it for you.

Thanks BJMoose. Yup, I got it running on about the 30th try. Had to remove/add los of kexts....a pain really :) Anyway, could you zip Dictionary and Chess apps and send them to:




I already have the stuff in the Dictionaries folder (Library/Dictionaries/). I copied that stuff over from my JaS disc.

Thanks BJMoose. Yup, I got it running on about the 30th try. Had to remove/add los of kexts....a pain really :) Anyway, could you zip Dictionary and Chess apps and send them to:

Pcwiz, you've got mail. Hope it works for you.

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