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Okies dokies...techie types...can you answer this wierd question?? Okay, I thought I had successfully loaded OSX and all, but could not get into it afterwards. Well, I got back into Vista and checked websites and such when I started getting these wierd hard disk failure notices. So, I thought, maybe it doesn't like OSX at all, so I deleted the OSX info and reinstalled my recovery partition. Still I got the hard disk failure warnings. So, then I reinstalled Vista, but when I selected the C partition, it said "The disk may fail soon. If other hard disks are available, install Windows to another location". I wasn't too awfully concerned thanks to a 4 year full coverage warrenty and the fact that before I did any tinkering I backed everything up to my external drive, so I didn't lose anything. I called up Dell and they walked me through the diagnostics, and as expected, it passed every test except the hard disk test, which failed. So, has anyone else encountered this problem? Was my drive bad to begin with, or did OSX kill it? I am thinking that when I attempt this again I will get a different drive off ebay or something so I don't potentially toast another one. Which may be good, because I would really like to have OSX run alone, and Vista run alone to ease confusion. Anyway, input anyone? Normal hard drive failure, or OSX induced?



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Yeah, it is a laptop, but a brand new one, so I doubt it is from usage. I am hoping it is a coincidence, but I probably will buy a cheap one to make sure that I don't lose my Windoze one again since I have Adobe stuff on it. Any one else experience anything like this?

Yea, it happened to me last week with a notebook drive. But has nothing to do with OSX.


You could check if the drive is fitted properly. It is possible to get that kind of error if it isn't. Take it back for warranty.


Goodluck getting your adobe stuff though. :D

Luckily for me it is a custom Dell with a 4 year warrenty so no biggie there. A preloaded one is on the way. :-) Also, knowing this was risky to begin with, I cleared it of all my stuff to begin with. I have gotten bitten one to many times before to not. LOL Thanks! I was just wondering about it. In a way it is good that this happened bc I killed my recovery partition to make way for OSX, and now I will have that back. So, win win!

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