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Hi, im new here but i have the "deadmoo" image running on my vmware. I deleted the "ktext" that made it much faster already. In fact its about as fast as my g3 ibook with max ram and a 600 processor :) ... But back to the point. I have heard that using a coregraphics patch will improve the graphics ( no artifacting when closing windows, finder etc) and allow me to use power pc utilities. I HAVE the patch but when i tried to relace it it said i was unauthorized to replace coregrapfics even though i am the administrator ;) . Am i going about this wrong? Any help would be much appreciated.Also has anyone used to MAXXUS (sp?) networking patch? i could not understand how to use the terminal to instal it so help with that would be awesome as well. Im just wanting to tinker with tiger on my dell laptop.. it wont be primarily used by any means. ( leave that to my ibook) But i would like to get this running to its full potential.Thanks for any help.



also would using a 10.4.7 image fix any of these issues? i had found a 10.4.8 with all the patches installed already ( core, see3 and some others for an itel or amd cpu) but its a huge 4.3 g file.. and no one is allowing over 4 kb's if you know what im saying. :)

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Please use a different image on VMware like Uphuck or JaS. Deadmoo is really outdated and there is no support for it anymore. Deadmoo was like the first pre-patched image released into the Internet. I think it might have even been the starter of the entire OSx86 project :(


Oh and yes, the Uphuck and JaS images work good in VMware running at OK speeds. Uphuck is a smaller download than JaS, but Uphuck images typically have more problems with them.

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