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Well, I need some things before I can switch over to os x86.


I plan on selling my motherboard, my ram, my cpu, and hope to get atleast $100-$150 out of that, and probably sell a couple things like my dead xbox. But, I need to know what I need. I already have an idea on a couple of things.


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819116037 Intel dual core E2160 (If dual core with this cpu works properly yet)

Motherboard- I don't have one chosen, only because I need a specific one.I need one that supports IDE harddrives, but also fully supports osx86 too. READ-MUST HAVE ONBAORD GMA 950. If it doesn't I need a cheap video card that'll work with osx86 fully aso with 128 ram.



I need a cheap 939 mobo that fully supports osx86, and if onboard video doesn't permit this, then a cheap video card that's fully supported.

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I would go to Intel, but there are still some issues.



I need one that supports IDE harddrives. I have 2 of them that I can't get rid of.


Unless I can atleast plug in one IDE harddrive on the same cable as my dvd burner, and buy an external case for the second harddrive.


Where as, with AMD, I have the cpu, ram, and harddrives ready, I would just need a cheap video card, which I'm looking at this,


If your thinking of getting a 939 board, get what I have.


EPoX EP-9HDAI PRO Socket 939 VIA K8T800 Pro ATX AMD Motherboard

It has IDE and ATA. Downside is it sports only two RAM slots. It also has onboard audio and digital audio out. Does not have built in video but has an AGP 4x/8x port.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, got it all finalized.


Intel Dual core E2160 $75.99



JetWay J945GCDMS-6H-A2 mobo $49.99



Corsair 1 gb ddr667 $34.99



(MAYBE FOR INTERGRADED VIDEO) Crucial 256 ddr667 $19.99



Rosewill IDE Device to SATA Device Mini Vertical Bridge $14.99



BASE PRICE-$175.96




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