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My search engine options in the Deer Park search bar are gone. This happened before, sometime after I installed AdBlock. I thought AdBlock was the problem, and regained my search engines by uninstalling Deer Park and reinstalling it. Then I tried installing FlashBlock instead, but now, sometime later, I've lost my search engines again. I haven't found an easy way to put them back. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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It seems to be Deer Park itself. I'm using 10.4.3 build 8f1111 on SSE3 without NX/XD and first time when I installed this build (after a previous experience with 10.4.1) I tested Safari on www.macromedia.com to see if flash plugin works (wich was workin' very well). After I installed Macromedia Studio 8 my flash "went" down. So I tryed to install any other browsers, wich brig us to Deer Park. My search is not working from the first touch. and in 10.4.1 I couldn't at least open Deer Park. Unless now is working (again without flash). So we have to wait to see next release. Maybe some fixes will make search working.

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