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hi everytime i install something or even try to go to the apple and then restart it just closes everything then goes to the blue screen with the spinning thingy and just stays there forever and never reboots im running jas 10.4.8 sse2 sse3 and dont know how to fix it, but i need to know how to fix it cause i cant install what i need to install without rebooting.

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You can reboot using the terminal as an alternative using this command:

sudo reboot


Does the computer crash as soon as you press the apple or just after you select reboot?






EDIT: sorry. It should read: sudo reboot now

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I have a nforce 570 chipset


when i go to hit reboot after installation or reboot from the apple list it doesnt matter it will still just sit there with the blue screen with the spinning wheel.. also if i go into -s mode and enter reboot it would say something like "mach reboot complete" and wouldnt bring os x back up just freeze ther.

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O.K. There is an issue with nforce3, 4,... chipsets, where reboot or shutdown dosen't work. I know because I have nforce4 Chipset. So I assume you also have the same problem with new Chipset.

There was once a solution in early versions of OS X (10.4.3, *4 and I think *5) by editng OS kernel with HexEdit. But with newer versions of kernel I am not sure if you can solve this problem. Try to find around this page or Google it.

I am satisifed with "fingering" my reset button. :tomato:

I hope you have reset on your PC casing.

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