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Boot Failure after Upgrade to 10.4.9


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Need Help Guys.

Was Using OSx86 10.4.8 on my AMD 3000+..

Dual Boot with windows XP..

Last Night I Was prompted for an upgrade from software update..

I updated it..

One of the Packages was 10.4.9 intel based..

After I INstalled All the Packages, My OS refuses to Boot..

I don't get even the Apple Logo..

It just boots Darwin.. then restarts before the Apple logo..

When I run in Verbose.. -v..

it shows me the loading of all files n then goes blank and restarts..

It doesn't Boot into Safe Mode..


Even If i Did manage that.. how do i uninstall that update..

I Can access the comp from the terminal using the install DVD though..


Thanks in Advance for any Insight

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Sorry bro. You should have known that those updates only work on real macs. There are pre-patched versions of them for hacintoshes.

Did you make a system backup before updating? If you did not then you need to drop down and give me 50 pushups.



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Sorry to hear that. Search around the forum, maybe there is a way of reverting the update somehow.




PS: You can, however, still recover your files (in case you're wondering).

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