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For those of you with a display card that the splash effect when adding widget doesn't work in the past, it now works with 10.4.9 update. I updated mine 10.4.8 with JaS 10.4.9 w/ the newest 8.9.1 SSE2/SSE3 auto fsb built-in r3d3 kernel, then updated all display card related kexts, including NV40, NVRes, GeForces and OpenGL frameworks.


Though quite useless, I usually just drag the widget to where I want it, instead of waiting for the effect and drag again which doesn't really make sense to me. But it does feel good to be "whole" again. :-)

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lol - guess that wasn't as obvious as I thought it was.


Step by step upgrade 10.4.8 to 10.4.9 with the newest kernel?


I have 10.4.8 running with a asus 7600GT. I'm reading a lot of troubles when people use the online update but nowhere I can find a complete howto I am comfortable with to attempt the upgrade.

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