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Hey everyone, sorry that I don't know how to make this work myself...

First off, I have tried Vmware and just burning the image to a dvd and booting from it... neither work.

I attached the vmware error.

I have 256MB of ram.

2.4Ghz intel processor (P4) sse2.

im using JaS.10.4.8.AMD.Intel.SSE2.SSE3.

that didn't work so.. I downloaded the JaS.10.4.8.AMD.Intel.SSe2.SSe3.v1p (the PPF patch thing)...

patched it... still nothing...

can anyone please help me out here?

please and thank you.




EDIT... I also tested my processor it is SSE2

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not trying to bump my topic, I just thought I should give more info...

here is what happens when I boot into it with the -v option


couldn't read user-specified computer name using default macintosh-00000000

a few times

then it stops at

adding browse domain local


sorry im not good with this... please do help me out here.

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My experience is with 10.4.6, and when I first started trying to install, I checked the SSE2 SSE3 AMD patch box -- and it hung every time. I finally discovered by browsing forums that the AMD and the SSE2, SSE3 drivers conflict with each other hanging up the boot process. The answer was to click the custom button and look for a little arrow or pointer thingy next to the patch. Click it. It will reveal a submenu so that you can de-select the drivers you don't need. If your machine is SSE2, then that's the only thing you check. After I figured that out, I was able to boot up with no problems.


Hope that helps.



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I thought there would be a menu like that too... *that was the first one i had to work*.......... but I ended up deleting it because I updated it... a bout a month later I decided to re download it... I seen there was a new version (the 10.4.8) and I downloaded that instead.

I guess I'll have to download the 10.4.6 then ... it will take awhile it's nearly 4GB =(

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I agree with you that the 10.4.6 is the most stable/ usable. I also downloaded the 10.4.7, did a clean install of that one, and a lot of the networking components didn't work and I couldn't access my Windows network. I re-installed 10.4.6, and everything works perfect.


I guess newer isn't always better.....

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argh.. that sucks I was hoping that 1.4.8 would work on mine...

if anyone finds a way my processor is P4 2.4Ghz SSE2.

I'll wait about a week to see if anyone comes up with a solution for it... if not I'll go ahead and download the 10.4.6 version...

Thanks for all the replies :D

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I do have one thought--


I ran across a post (somewhere) that tells how to upgrade an installation from a regular 10.4.6 box to a 10.4.7 server OS. I would have to look it up, but there was a list of certain files you could get from the DVD, install them and upgrade complete. I tried it and it *DID* work! With that said, I ran across another post that said you can't jump from 10.4.6 to 10.4.8 directly -- you have to do it in order. Maybe if you start with the 10.4.6, you could update the combo updates in increments to get to the newest version!

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I do have one thought--


I ran across a post (somewhere) that tells how to upgrade an installation from a regular 10.4.6 box to a 10.4.7 server OS. I would have to look it up, but there was a list of certain files you could get from the DVD, install them and upgrade complete. I tried it and it *DID* work! With that said, I ran across another post that said you can't jump from 10.4.6 to 10.4.8 directly -- you have to do it in order. Maybe if you start with the 10.4.6, you could update the combo updates in increments to get to the newest version!


You can jump straight to .8 from .6 NP. That's my default way of installing as my 10.4.8 is a bit long in the tooth. Use Apple's official combo update to 10.4.8, then prasys' auto installer to replace the kernel. Make sure the AppleSMBios kext is there , and you are good to go.


You need to use .8 to be able to use natit, and full audio support. Networking problems are mostly a question of a quick edit.

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Is that the boot of the install DVD? It doesn't seem like a Kernel Panic, it's just loading! That usually take quite a time.


In a kernel panic, you should see the line: debugger called <panic> (Or something like that)


I had just the same picture when I installed Mac.OS.X.v10.4.8.AMD.Intel.SSE2.SSE3_by.JaS.iso


During the installation i doscovered that it is beta 2. After successful installation the computer asked me to restart. However when I restarted it told me this:

'panic(cpu 0 caller OX0039C213): Unable to find driver for this platform "ACPI".


is it possible to make it work somehow?

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Sorry to bump my tropic.... but I have more info now... a pic of the actual error when booting with the -v option

I think I need to delete a kext..... but I don't know how to tell if I do or even how to almost do it.

anyways here is the pic.post-33378-1172419946_thumb.jpg

please help me out here i am clueless as to how to make this thing work.

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