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[Trick] How to Enable Boot Camp for Parallels on Hackintosh

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For some Parallels does not let us select Boot Camp for Hard Disk configurations.


This require a second or third HD in order to repartition it with GUID Scheme.


At least on my PC the GUID Partitioned disk never boot with Parallels and of course not even natively but it let me select Boot Camp as HD on Parallels, and I use it's partition as shared disk between Mac OS and XP.


Once Parallels made a PVS file I edited with any Text editor to get the Partition I want.


Find where it says:

"Disk 0:0 image = Boot Camp"

and replace it with this

"Disk 0:0 image = Boot Camp;diskxsy"

where diskxsy is your already installed OS, or where you want to install, for example, for me is disk0s1 as my Mac OS is disk1s1


Save the file and boot your virtual machine.



The GUID Partitioned disk does not boot but the partition can be used on Windows or Mac OS, it could be formated as Fat32, NTFS, HFS+

I didn't try Ext or other format but I gues thay work as DATA disks on linux installations also.





BTW the partition I used on Parallels also work on VMware Workstation (Windows)

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  • 1 year later...

Can you tell me how you got it to work on VMWare? I have currently dual booted XP & JaS, but every time I try to run Parallels I get the "Unable to boot Disk Image BOOT CAMP!" error message.


Please can you help.



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  • 3 months later...

macgirl, are you saying that the drive that has XP on it has to be partitioned GUID? I have my regular XP drive which is disk1s1 and its just NTFS, i tried adding it to parallels Boot Camp string like you showed but it still doesn't boot in Parallels. Do I have to image this disk to a GUID drive?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a somewhat rare problem.


parallels is working, it does unmount my windows vista disk at the start of the booting but then it hangs on "Boot from hard drive..."


it just stays there, no blinking anything.


I have a vostro 1500, iatkos 10.5.2 and parallels 3.0 build 5608, any thoughts?

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  • 1 month later...

I just need the graphical boot selector / picker which is there in Mac after installation of Boot camp. Right now I have dual boot with Darwin Boot loader installed, but I wanted the graphical boot selector screen to choose the OS like in real Macs. Can it be done?

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I have a somewhat rare problem.


parallels is working, it does unmount my windows vista disk at the start of the booting but then it hangs on "Boot from hard drive..."


it just stays there, no blinking anything.


I have a vostro 1500, iatkos 10.5.2 and parallels 3.0 build 5608, any thoughts?



I have the same problem, any news on this one?

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  • 5 months later...

i have a trouble my boot camp.pvs file say the next




App Version = 3.0.5608

Boot = c

Parallels VM Name = My Boot Camp

VM Id = {5c84515f-1b54-4c99-80f8-6a51ce47f6db}

VM Description =

OS Type = 138

Memory = 512

Video Memory = 16

Memory block size = 14

Acceleration level = 2

Enable write-back disk cache = 1

VT-x support = 1

Start auto = 0

AutoShutdown = 0

Start full screen = 21

Start dashmode = 0

Start full screen warning = 1

PC Speaker enable = 1

Window Mode = 0

Seamless Startup = 0

Application Doc Icon = 1

Multi frame = -1

Guest Tools Status = -1

Undo Disks = 0

Undo Disk Uuid = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

DirectX Shaders support = 0

[shared folders]

Shared folders enabled = 1

Sharing enabled = 2

Map folders to drive = 1

Shared folders count = 0

[shared Profiles]

Shared Profiles enabled = 0

Shared Profiles use desktop = 1

Shared Profiles use documents = 1

Shared Profiles use pictures = 1

Shared Profiles use music = 1

[Windows sharing]

Windows sharing enabled = 1

AutoMount enabled = 1

Spotlight processing enabled = 0


Video resolutions enabled = 1

Video resolutions count = 0


Show taskbar = 1

Show taskbar in Coherence = 1

Relocate taskbar = 0

Exclude Dock = 1

Multiple displays = 0

Group all windows = 0

Disable drop shadow = 0

Remove Wallpaper = 0

Do Not Minimize to doc = 0

Bring to front = 0

[shared Application]

Shared from Win to Mac = 1

Shared from Mac to Win = 1

SmartSelect = 1

Shared from Win to Mac Old = 0

Shared from Mac to Win Old = 0

SmartSelect Old = 0

[iDE devices]

Disk 0:0 enabled = 1

Disk 0:0 = 1

Disk 0:0 media = 1

Disk 0:0 connected = 1

Disk 0:0 image = Boot Camp;disk0s2

Disk 0:0 cylinders = 0

Disk 0:0 heads = 0

Disk 0:0 sectors = 0

Disk 0:1 enabled = 1

Disk 0:1 = 2

Disk 0:1 media = 1

Disk 0:1 connected = 1

Disk 0:1 image = Default CD/DVD-ROM

Disk 1:0 enabled = 0

Disk 1:0 = 0

Disk 1:1 enabled = 0

Disk 1:1 = 0

[Floppy disks]

Floppy 0 enabled = 1

Floppy 0 = 1

Floppy 0 image = /Library/Parallels/Tools/vmtools.fdd

Floppy 0 connected = 0

[serial ports]

COM1 enabled = 0

COM1 = 0

COM2 enabled = 0

COM2 = 0

COM3 enabled = 0

COM3 = 0

COM4 enabled = 0

COM4 = 0

[Parallel ports]

LPT1 enabled = 1

LPT1 = 3

LPT1 connected = 1

LPT1 image = Default Printer

LPT2 enabled = 0

LPT2 = 0

LPT3 enabled = 0

LPT3 = 0


Sound enabled = 1

Sound = 1

Sound connected = 1

Sound device = Default Audio

Mixer device = Default Audio


Network enabled = 1

Network = 3

Network connected = 1

Adapter No = 0

Adapter name = Default Adapter

Adapter type = 4

Port = 0x00000300

IRQ = 3

MAC address = 001c42bbde10

Network2 enabled = 0

Network2 = 0

Network3 enabled = 0

Network3 = 0

Network4 enabled = 0

Network4 = 0

Network5 enabled = 0

Network5 = 0


USB enabled = 1

USB = 1

USB autoconnect = 2


but when start the virtual machine in parallels then closed it

help me please

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