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Buying new hardware for OSX/Vista. Need dual monitor support!

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Title says it all.


I am super super confused. I am planning to buy a new computer and would like to run (dual-boot, but mostly OSX with Parallels) Vista and OSX (latest or as close to as possible.)


The catch is I would like to run dual monitors.


I have decided to go with an Intel Motherboard because that seems to be the most compatible. Any ideas for video cards (or motherboards with onboard) that will work Dual-Monitor on both operating systems?


Also, if someone wants to make my life easier, can you recommend a motherboard/chip/grahpics card/ram combo? I am lost with all these models and numbers. I just want something that runs OSX without any hitches (no sound/lan/video problems), runs vista, AND has dual monitor support.


Am I asking too much?


Any and all advice appreciated.

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the usual response is 'buy a real mac'. you could go for an iMac 20'' and get a 20'' Cinema Display to hook into it.



however, if you want to go the hackintosh route, there are a few options, mainly to do with the onboard GMA950 present on many Intel mobos, coupled with a PCI-Express card which gives you an additional monitor output. This is known to work (see bofor's "Building my First OSx86 Box" thread in the Tutorials section), however it will give you one DVI-D and one Analogue output, which may or may not be what you want.


as for other options, there are several reports of working dual-display setups in the Natit / Titan forums. Check out Natit in our x-labs section.

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I have a Nvidia 7800 GTX 256 PCIe which when combined with Natit dual kext gives dual DVI output. This is a great card and I got it off ebay from a seller called trading republic for £119. It is a full length card and they still have some left if you are quick.


Click Here

Edited by poodle2118
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Saffire X1800GTO does dual dvi with Natit_Uni :)


I have a HIS X1950PRO coming in a couple days, I hope it works in OS X :)


Hey, from everything I've read the X1950 Pro won't work in OS X.  I have the same card and haven't tried to get it working yet, but see this thread:




Apparently the X1950 XT works like a charm. Unlucky us :thumbsdown_anim:

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I HAVE AN FX 5500 NVIDIA CARD with full CI/QE and dual monitor working great, apparently the KEY to AGP cards is in the AGP aperture setting in your CMOS on your motherboard, if it is set to 128MB it works, if it is set higher you can get dual montors, but no CI/QE.

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