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Nvidia Quadro FX 1300

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This is what I have done so far...


1. Start your comp and just befor boot hit F8 buton, then type "-s" and hit Enter

2. Wate until the page is loding and then type "mount -uw /" and hit enter. Now you can edit whatever you want.

3. Type nano System/Library/Extentions/GeForce.kext/Contens/Info.plist +enter, scrol down until you see <key>IOPCIMatch</key>. You have to enter the ID of your Video card like I did in this way"<string>0x004010de& 0x00FE10de". Do Ctrl+O enter and Ctrl+x to exit.

4. Do the same with NVDANV40Hal.kext and NVDARessman.kext.

5. Do chown -R and chmod -R. Don't forget to remove Extentons.mkext and kextcache

6. Reboot.


I was told that I did not have to edir GEFORCE.Kext


When I install without Nvida option in 10.4.8, I get video. Not as good as version 10.4.7 (without QE/CI).


Please post your success :)

Edited by smajli
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first of all thank you, you have been a great help for me so far..

i have done as you instructed, the results are:


-no window-dragging issues (like before)

-genie effect seems faster

but i still cannot change resolutions.. system profiler info attached.


do you know where should i continue from here..?





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