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PowerManagement Sleep Query

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...My issue concerns periodic wakes during sleep cycles, computer wakes momentarily during sleep, powers back down within 30 secs, and back to sleep,

New install of Sonoma , these are my settings from Terminal


System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
 standby              1
 Sleep On Power Button 1
 womp                 0
 autorestart          0
 hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
 proximitywake        1
 powernap             0
 networkoversleep     0
 disksleep            0
 standbydelayhigh     86400
 sleep                1 (sleep prevented by bluetoothd)
 hibernatemode        3
 ttyskeepawake        1
 displaysleep         60
 tcpkeepalive         1
 highstandbythreshold 50
 standbydelaylow      86400


...I have no bluetooth on this board to prevent sleep, and I see this in System Info


System Power Settings:

  AC Power:
  System Sleep Timer (Minutes):    1
  Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):    0
  Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):    60
  Sleep on Power Button:    Yes
  Automatic Restart on Power Loss:    No
  Wake on LAN:    No
  Current Power Source:    Yes
  Hibernate Mode:    3
  Prioritize Network Reachability Over Sleep:    No

Hardware Configuration:

  UPS Installed:    No

Power Events:

Next Scheduled Events:

  appPID:    396
  Type:    Wake
  Scheduled By:    com.apple.alarm.user-invisible-com.apple.calaccessd.travelEngine.periodicRefreshTimer
  Time:    2024-04-17, 11:22 PM
  UserVisible:    0

  appPID:    89
  Type:    Wake
  Scheduled By:    com.apple.alarm.user-invisible-com.apple.acmd.alarm
  Time:    2024-04-18, 9:37 AM
  UserVisible:    0

  appPID:    89
  Type:    Wake
  Scheduled By:    com.apple.alarm.user-invisible-com.apple.acmd.alarm
  Time:    2024-04-18, 3:56 PM
  UserVisible:    0



...is this normal for Sonoma, and can/should I turn them off?

Thank you for your time...

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Power Events:

Next Scheduled Events:

  appPID:    396
  Type:    Wake
  Scheduled By:    com.apple.alarm.user-invisible-com.apple.calaccessd.travelEngine.periodicRefreshTimer
  Time:    2024-04-18, 3:53 PM
  UserVisible:    0

  appPID:    89
  Type:    Wake
  Scheduled By:    com.apple.alarm.user-invisible-com.apple.acmd.alarm
  Time:    2024-04-19, 2:34 AM
  UserVisible:    0


...but just like the cat, they came back...

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Posted (edited)

...in terminal      sudo pmset sched cancelall      and then  sudo chflags schg /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.AutoWake.plist to prevent renewal of events

...from https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/macos-ventura-13-1-power-events-cause-wakeup-from-sleep.2373692/


I'll check in later to report results

Edited by RobertX
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2 hours ago, Slice said:

It is the stage passed. No result.

...please, if you could, elaborate...explain a little more

...as to my results, well, only had one sleep, about 3 hours, and so far no new events...I'll restart and see if that triggers new events


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...ok, did a quick restart and it did not trigger any new scheduled wake events...I'll keep my eyes open for anything new, though I understand this is a well travelled road

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Posted (edited)

...as expected, though no wake events appear in sys info power now, the computer has begun wake cycles again, two per day, so my terminal entries only served to make the user-invisible wake events even more invisible.

  if anyone was curious and tried this, to revert last command in terminal type "sudo chflags noschg /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.AutoWake.plist"

and you will be back where you began, as I am now...I just couldn't resist trying  @Slice Your patience with me is a constant comfort 😱

Edited by RobertX
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