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Do any of you know how to assign the delete key to move to trash so I can press the delete key and it will.. move the selected object to trash, i've also noticed some other weird quirks, like pressing Insert brings up help files instead of F1, and home/end also dont move to the front or end of a line of text, are there ways to fix this, is it just keyboard mapping or something?

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For things like Home/End you can try Control-Left Arrow and Control-Right Arrow or download DoubleCommand.


For Delete key, use something like QuickSilver or Butler or Praxi to assign a script to a keystroke. There is an existing Automator action you can use (/System/Library/Automator/Move to Trash.action). The utilities have tons of other features you can use.


A possible script you can use follows. In Applications folder -> Applescript is the Script Editor. Paste this into that and save it as an Application. Then in one of the utilities assign the Delete key to the application. Note: this script is untested so backup your files on your Desktop before trying it out.


property inputPath : path to desktop folder
property outputPath : path to trash

tell application "Finder"
  set selectionList to {} & selection as list
  repeat with theFile in selectionList
	move file ((inputPath as string) & (theFile as string)) to outputPath
  end repeat
end tell


or maybe:


property outputPath : path to trash

tell application "Finder"

  set allFiles to {}
  repeat with thisFile in selection as list
   set allFiles to allFiles & thisFile
  end repeat

  move allFiles to outputPath
end tell

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