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Was wondering if this would work. I have a Windows 10 system that has a separate data SSD drive that I use for my Steam folder and stuff like that. Windows is installed on its own disk. This data drive has a 16mb MSR (Microsoft System reserved) partition in front of the data disks main partition. I want to either delete that MSR partition or move it down in a resize operation to make room for a standard EFI 200mb partition for opencore and then resize the data disk partition in half and append a MacOS partition (either fresh install or copy from another system) to the other half at the end. 


Wonder if that would work?



Well went ahead anyhow and tried to alter my data drive using Paragon Advanced Drive Mangager. Had a really difficult time too because it had issues dealing in odd megabyte numbers moving partitions left or right and would take away space ahead or behind the partition. Not a great tool. Used it to move and resize my data partition. Had to delete the MS MSR 16MB partition. Then copy or create a System 200mb EFI partiion at the begging of the disk leaving 16MB of space. Also copied a working install of Catalina to the end of the disk. Then used Diskpart to recreate that lost 16mb MSR partition such that I had 200mb EFI, 16mb MSR, Win Data, and OSX in that order. Windows still boots so no ef ups. Next have to start fresh configuring Opencore and hope it will multiboot. Did it once before on another machine. Opencore 0.80. 



Edited by davidm71
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