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Since the "Unlock with Apple Watch" relies on Bluetooth, and Bluetooth on non-Airport cards is enabled by BrcmPatchRAM, is the Unlock with Apple Watch feature supposedly enabled for non-Airport cards active with BrcmPatchRAM? Asking for a friend that has this feature working with an Apple iMac Airport card on his iHack, but a regular DW1830 on his Dell Hackbook Pro, according to my, er, his signature... :hysterical: 

Edited by Alex HQuest
typo on adapter model
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Thanks @Hervé. Yeah, typos happens - DW1830 is correct (been dealing with way too many other product numbers lately). I was after someone to confirm it does work on their non-Apple Wireless/BT adapter.


Auto-Unlock mode is available, yes (see spoiler below). As stated, the feature works with real Apple hardware but not with the 3rd party wireless adapter. I understand  wireless is explicit on Apple's "Unlock your Mac with your Apple Watch" article page, but they also briefly mention "Bluetooth", and we know about the hiccups to get a non-Apple Bluetooth adapter to work on macOS, let alone to work as close as the native device.


I'll try to poke around a little further. Thanks, though!





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