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Official P5B Post Install Tweaks Thread


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So I just finished installing 10.4.8 from the JaS DVD on my P5B system. This thread will document what options to install with and what needs to be done afterward to have a stable system.



Asus P5B (plain, not deluxe or anything else) Motherboard

2gb OCZ DD2-800 5-5-5-15 ram

e6600 Conroe CPU

Samsung SH-S182D PATA DVD-RW

Seagate 320gb 7200.10 SATA HD


SYBA SD-VIA-FW1E1H Firewire PCI Card

Scepter X22WG LCD

Lian-Li PC-V880B Case

LaCie 320gb USB 2.0 FA Porsche Ext HD



Motherboard is OCed to 396mhz, CPU at 3.5ghz

BIOS options: everything is default but overclock options, and all legacy equipment disabled. HD audio disabled. RAM timing is manual, not SPD (this was necessary for stable overclock prior to installing OS X).


I gutted the lacie drive and plugged the samsung burner into the pata port, then plugged in the usb cable to the PC. The ASUS bios recognized the burner and let me choose it as a boot device. Booted the 10.4.8 JaS DVD no issues. Formatted the disk with disk util, then installed os x. I installed essential software only, and added the the JaS 10.4.8 upgrade (the install disc is actually 10.4.4 if you don't select this option), and the semthex kernal. Installation went off without a hitch. Rebooted into OS X, network driver did not work, so I shared internet from my Mac Book's WiFi via firewire to the PC. Worked like a charm, but graphics redraw was all buggy and annoying. Downloaded the titan driver, installed it. Upon reboot, went to blue mac os x background screen with nothing viewable. Rebooted, all resolutions supported at 60hz. Core image and QE support. About this mac loads and reported as core 2 duo 3.6ghz x 2.


FYI: Boot would hang on AppleUSB driver if I selected the USB 2.0 package included on the install DVD.


To Do:

1. Time is going by wildly fast, but there is a known fix for non 266mhz FSBs. FIXED (SEE BELOW)

2. Computer is wicked fast but disk access does not seem to be native. SATA mode is IDE, not AHCI. Possibly need intel ICH7 driver.

3. Enable network adapter. FIXED SEE BELOW

4. Verify USB 2.0 is working

5. Verify sound is working wellFIXED SEE BELOW

6. Install iLife 06RUNS Great

Feel free to post your experiences and tips for configuring 10.4.8 on the P5B.


My XBench score is 178.43


CPU = 176

Thread = 344

Memory = 229

Open GL = 254

Disk = 58

Sequential Disk = 150

Random Disk = 36


Sequential writes and reads are 50-85MB/sec

Random read/writes are 0.66-30MB/sec

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progress! it didn;t make sense to adfd the device id to the SATA section, so I added it to the PATA section as well. I added it to the sata section for good measure, buti bet it will work without as well"



PATA Controller: JMicron 363


From Julian23, thanks


editet /System/Library/Extensions/AppleVIAATA.kext/contents/info.plist:


sudo nano /System/Library/Extensions/AppleVIAATA.kext/contents/info.plist


then search for:


<key>VIA SATA Controller</key>




<key>Hardware Name</key>

<string>237 SATA</string>




<string>0x2363197B 0x31491106 0x00e310de 0x005410de 0x005510de</string>





<key>Serial ATA</key>




ADD the device ID in red

then search for:


<key>VIA PATA Controller</key>




<key>Hardware Name</key>












add the device id marked in red.


edit /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAHCIPort.kext/Contents/Info.plist:


sudo nano /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAHCIPort.kext/Contents/Info.plist


then search for














<key>Vendor Name</key>

<string>Generic AHCI</string>



change the vendor and device id to the value marked in red.


then do the usual things:


sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache


sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext


kextcache -k /System/library/Extensions






Ethernet Driver for Realtek (on plain p5b at least)




HD Sound Driver


System time


Again from a2000rick


System Time

XXX = your front side bus speed

5. in terminal type: sudo nano com.apple.boot.plist

6. add fsb=XXX to the Kernal Flags string

7. WriteOut, and Exit

8. type:

sudo chown -R root:wheel com.apple.boot.plist

sudo chmod -R 755 com.apple.boot.plist

9. Reboot

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