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FileVault 2 password screen not fully loading on BigSur


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I've had FileVault 2 enabled for some time now, and the installation of BigSur did go well. But after first reboot, I observed that the FileVault 2 password screen doesn't fully load, I only see the user icon and name and the mouse pointer, no background image, no text field to type the password.

Anyone have had this issue before ? Is it possible to solve it ? Can I disable FileVault from recovery ?

Edited by iFrodo
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I found the way to decrypt the volume using command line (Terminal) on Recovery:


- List volumes:

diskutil apfs list

=> Find the volume(s) having "FileVault: YES"


- Then list cryptousers :

diskutil apfs listcryptousers /dev/diskXsY

=> Take the UUID (hexadecimal string seperated by dashes) of the "Local Open Directory User"


- Finally decrypt the volume by typing:

diskutil apfs descrypt /dev/diskXsY -user UserUUID -passphrase YourPassPhrase


This will launch the decryption in the background, you can follow the progress by executing:

diskutil apfs list

=> Look at "Decryption progress" value.

Once fully decrypted, you can reboot normally, macOS will start without FileVault.


Edited by iFrodo
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