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JaS 10.4.8 Combo Update installer hangs...


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Hi folks,


thanks to the forum here, I managed to install JaS 10.4.7 in VMWare (independent & persistant partiton), it also boots natively.


First, here a few system specs:


- Athlon X2 3800+

- ASUS A8N-SLI (nForce4)

- Geforce 7800GT

- USB mouse, PS/2 keyboard (works with kextunload/kextload in /etc/rc)

- installed on SATA drive (with nForce4 SATA kext)


I downloaded JaS 10.4.8 AMD SSE3 Combo Update, but when I click the .pkg file, the installer stops responding, while the mouse cursor is a spinning wheel. I can only force the task to quit. This happens in VMWare and on native hardware. I tried some other packages, just to see if they install properly, but no luck! Every .pkg or .mpkg crashes in the same way. Does anyone know how to fix that?


The other problem is the stuttering with a X2. I tried cpus=1, but my OSX freezes after a few seconds. I tried idlehalt=0 and the Finder seems to restart continously whenever I move the mouse. In other words: the menu bar at the top disappears and reappears very fast.


Could this have something to do with the nForce4 SATA kext and the PS/2 hack I've done? I hope not. The next problem is the "About my Mac" crash, but as far I've read here, there's no working fix for AMD. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


I guess, OSX doesn't like AMD very much, but it seems that a few people here had some more luck. My objective is a working 10.4.8 so that I can finally use Natit for my graphic card and enjoy QE/CI.


Thanks in advance for any help! And sorry if I missed some topics where my issues are discussed and probably solved. :poster_oops:



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Installer: Go to the Utilities folder, find the Installer app and right-click on it. Select Get Info and click Open using Rosetta. See if that helps.


Are you sure your processor is SSE3?


You can download and run CPU-Z in Windows to verify.

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Doesn't work for me, it still hangs. :(


Yes, the Athlon X2 actually has SSE3, although it's not listed in CPU features when booting with -v. I must mention that on my IBM R32 the Intel Update to 10.4.8 ran without any problems. Seems to me like a general AMD/nForce4 issue.

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Hi all,


Have recently successfully installed 10.4.6, and having mixed results! I seem to be having almost identical problems, every time I try to open a PKG, the installer simply hangs with a spinning cursor, and I am left with no option but to force quit.


Trying to open a package using Pacifist yields the same results...would love to have a fix for this but being new to OS X in general I'm not really sure where to go next? I can't seem to get it going - also have no option to Run Under Rosetta in the right click menu.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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You don't set the package to run Rosetta. You set the program that opens the package to run Rosetta (ie Installer and Pacifist).


Go to the Utilities folder and find Installer. Right click and select Get Info. There, find a check box to Run using Rosetta.

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