Leoyzen Posted October 19, 2019 Share Posted October 19, 2019 (edited) Earlier I found apple add virtio-net support in catalina: And during test, I found a way virtio net work but with some limitation: do not predifined virtio device in the xml, instead should use virsh-device attach hotplug the nic during clover boot, otherwise the virtio-device will change it's macaddress and can't get an ip address use boot-args: debug=0x100 and keepsyms=1, otherwise the boot will crash with error The speed of virtio is awesome, but we definately NEED MORE HELP to make it work more flexiable. The problem I summaried here: 1. the kernel panic when do not add extra boot args; but booting with args , there is no crash or relevant message in log! here is the kernel panic without extra boot args: panic(cpu 3 caller 0xffffff8018ee0cee): "m_free: freeing an already freed mbuf"@/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.11.24/bsd/kern/uipc_mbuf.c:4814 Backtrace (CPU 3), Frame : Return Address 0xffffff81228b3a50 : 0xffffff80189419fb mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x47b 0xffffff81228b3aa0 : 0xffffff8018a78d35 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x155 0xffffff81228b3ae0 : 0xffffff8018a6a79e mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x4ee 0xffffff81228b3b30 : 0xffffff80188e8a40 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0 0xffffff81228b3b50 : 0xffffff80189410e7 mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0x17 0xffffff81228b3c50 : 0xffffff80189414cb mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x21b 0xffffff81228b3ca0 : 0xffffff80190d2a49 mach_kernel : _panic + 0x61 0xffffff81228b3d10 : 0xffffff8018ee0cee mach_kernel : _m_mclfree + 0x114e 0xffffff81228b3da0 : 0xffffff7f9b043dc7 com.apple.driver.AppleVirtIO : __ZN18AppleVirtIONetwork5startEP9IOService + 0x651 0xffffff81228b3de0 : 0xffffff801901d986 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService14startCandidateEPS_ + 0xf6 0xffffff81228b3e40 : 0xffffff801901d531 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService15probeCandidatesEP12OSOrderedSet + 0xb21 0xffffff81228b3ef0 : 0xffffff801901c87e mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService14doServiceMatchEj + 0x2ce 0xffffff81228b3f50 : 0xffffff801901f01d mach_kernel : __ZN15_IOConfigThread4mainEPvi + 0x15d 0xffffff81228b3fa0 : 0xffffff80188e813e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.driver.AppleVirtIO(1.0)[E8BE7597-9A3B-3DA2-9765-5454D2E0FAB1]@0xffffff7f9b042000->0xffffff7f9b065fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily(11)[6F9E4E0C-4EEF-3F5C-B650-172B0299FC9E]@0xffffff7f9ad5e000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[F2770E7E-657B-3500-8427-77DF6A190D63]@0xffffff7f9932f000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily(2.1)[0358FA7E-B2E2-3261-A143-1F7D546BC871]@0xffffff7f9950c000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily(3.4)[2C54AF95-A727-3D8A-820C-0DB683516681]@0xffffff7f99265000 BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: -v keepsyms=1 Mac OS version: Not yet set Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.0.0: Tue Sep 17 01:59:51 PDT 2019; root:xnu-6153.11.24~17/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: 40B0A1FB-7EFD-373C-AB47-D7E8D18DA3B2 Kernel slide: 0x0000000018600000 Kernel text base: 0xffffff8018800000 __HIB text base: 0xffffff8018700000 System model name: MacPro5,1 (Mac-F221BEC8) System shutdown begun: NO Panic diags file unavailable, panic occurred prior to initialization System uptime in nanoseconds: 1269248919 2. You have to hotplug the device instead of predefined in the xml, otherwise the macaddress changes every boot time. It is strange, I try to find out why but after digging the code I realise it maybe a feature? or dsdt related issues? The only difference I've found in ACPI is "IOFeature" variable, it works when set to 0x38, and random macdress with 0x08. the acpi which not work There is no more log relevant after adding boot args with "apple-xgbe-debug=0xff". The code I found to get features (maybe wrong), I'm not familar with the apple stuff so I don't understand what it is doing. Some help or point me out the direction will be much appreciate! @Miezecan you give some comments or advises? Edited October 19, 2019 by Leoyzen Link to comment https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/340797-virtio-net-support-added-in-catalina/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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