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MacBook Conga!


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A conga line is when an offer is up that people sign up, complete an offer and post your link and when the one at the top is done, the next one is placed at the top.


Lets start the Conga:

1. http://gifts.freepay.com/?r=34681529

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  • 2 weeks later...

freepay is a scam. I spend $20 on a offer and got no credit. when they finally got back to me with my "no-credit" support ticket my account closed as i was over the 90 day limit. {censored}

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  • 1 month later...

no conga.


We helped Mash and Munky get things from the free4me network.. and due to that assistance they were allegedly starting a conga line some time ago...


in order to be fair to the people that helped. no. you're not just popping up and starting one.

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