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Apple Mail with MS Exchange


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Hi Guys,


I wonder if somebody tried to use Apple Mail client to connect to Exchange mail server.


Lately I was tring to do that and see some strange problems. I connect to Exchange using http proxy mode and everything seems fine. The mailbox folders imported correctly the messages starts to download although slowly.


The problem with this connection is that when I move to some folder inside inbox I see the messages, but if then I move to different folder and quickly move back to previous folder I see no messages there. I need to wait some time and then I can see the messages again.


Does anybody know what is the problem?


BTW I use MacOS 10.4.5



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it should work correctly if you went to preferences, accounts, add account and click exchange.

I already did this, but I experience the problem I described in my post.

If you're not having much luck using Mail, you could always try using Microsoft's Entourage email client

That is a problem for me. Our corporate email issues the certificate that I cannot fully trust. Apple Mail client shows the message that the certificate for https connection is not trusted and asks me if I want to connect, but Entourage does not asks this and the connection fails.

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