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Using kernel 10.4.8 on Asus P5GV-MX


1. USB Fix:


Install 10.4.8.usb.fix.pkg






2. About this Mac Shows wrong Processor Speed


Intel Celeron 3.06 Ghz shows as 4ghz processor


Edited /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist


kernel flags: fsb=133




Now Shows correct CPU speed.


3. System Profiler Not Showing System Details


Install System Profiler Fix.mpkg




Thanks guys for finding the link.....





4. Azalia Audio Fix


make sure Azalia Fix is selected on the DVD install during installation of OSX86



sudo -s


chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAzaliaAudio.kext

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAzaliaAudio.kext

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAzaliaAudio.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleAzaliaController.kext

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAzaliaAudio.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleAzaliaController.kext




5. Sparkle 7300 LE 256 PCIe


in case you have this card it works with Natit 1.0 w/ full QE/CI support


(i did'nt test onboard GMA900)


Hope this helps...

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Do you think you could pretty, pretty please find that .mpkg link for me? I worked really hard but I couldn't find it anywhere.. and my "Hardware" tab won't come up in System Profiler at all (!) so I could really use it.


Thanks in advance.


Nevermind, I got it. Thanks though.

Do you think you could pretty, pretty please find that .mpkg link for me? I worked really hard but I couldn't find it anywhere.. and my "Hardware" tab won't come up in System Profiler at all (!) so I could really use it.


Thanks in advance.


Nevermind, I got it. Thanks though.



And where did you find that .mpkg for System Profiler? I need it too but i find onlt the About this mac fix... :)

Do you think you could pretty, pretty please find that .mpkg link for me? I worked really hard but I couldn't find it anywhere.. and my "Hardware" tab won't come up in System Profiler at all (!) so I could really use it.


Thanks in advance.


Nevermind, I got it. Thanks though.


But for other people this maybe useful: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=33699

:D My sound is verry bad... azalia loaded, I have sound but with noise & hiccup...


are you sure your fsb is running at the right speed???

my sound is ok, only when i turn up volume to the max (from my speakers) i can hear some distortion from i think cpu or gma or whatever (because it gets louder when i let an app load) This could also be because it isn't a fantastic driver, or the sound chip is just bad implented in the mobo... dunno cause i never had MS Win on it...

My FSB is ok. I didn't selected any kernel @ install time (no mifki so se... don;t remember the name :P)

So, i use the default kernel I think... is a 8.8.1... has 4142904 b...

My xbench result w/o disk (because the hdd is my old maxtor 5000rpm :D ) is about 100-115.

Don;t remember how, yesterday I made my sound work great BUT the xbench result was about 65-70... :(( :D

For this, I installed only the azalia .kext (by decompressing the archive.pax.gz...

BTW, i put fsb=133 in that file and my CPU is still showed @ 4.2 ghz... and it is a 2.8 celeron 336...

open System Profiler > System > extensions


Look for the loaded kext


1. /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAzaliaAudio.kext


2. /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAzaliaAudio.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleAzaliaController.kext


if for some reasons /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAC97Audio.kext is loaded


backup the kext then deleted it, probable conflict..


delete Extensions.kextcache and Extensions.mkext




it should fix the audio hiccup

There is no AC97 loaded.

Seems that the problem was the kernel (the one installed by default) and mifki too.

I booted with semthex and the sound is good now. The CPU speed is now 2.79 in About this mac...

BUT :compress:

Attached is the xbech result with the two kernels. Semthex is not verry fast :(

What can I do? I'll try to dld the latest version... hope there is a fix...



hmm... dunno what's the prob. here...


I got 2 problems myself... i tried mifki (nonx) and semthex (latest) kernels (deamonES modded vers. didn't work) but my hackintosh won't shut down. It says "CPU Halted", i hear the hdd spin down but no power off. Second, i think my hdd is slow, i only get +-50 (xbench) on hdd although it's a 7200.8 IDE... maybe there's something else??? any suggestions? maybe it has something to do with UDMA, but i don't know anthing about that.

I know what is the problem with the Sleep... When I disconnect any USB devices attached, the system go to sleep and up again without problems. When there is a USB device connected, the sistem halts and need to press reset...

Maybe someone know how to fix this...


BTW... ceynox, your onboard audio is working fine with the mifki kernel ??!!?!??!

The problem with the sound is because of the kernel that doesn't detect the corect FSB... in about this mac dialog, my cpu speed is 4,2 and the sound is BAD BUT the bechmarks score is verry HI... but the real speed is 2.8. If I set fsb=133 @ boot time or if i use a kernel with autodetect, the cpu speed reported in about this mac is 2.79, the corect one, the sound is good BUT the benchmarks is low.

with fsb=200



with fsb=133



I don;'t understand if the fsb is 200 why the benchmarks values are bigger... is this a software overcloking?!?!?!

Well, i'm using the mifki kernel, and i think it's even better then semthex but that's personal.

My sound is ok, not good, but that's described in my last post (i'm an audio freak :) )

I think your problem is indeed the FSB speed the kernel thinks you have.

I don't have these problems cause my CPU runs at 800MHz. (800/4=200) which is the default for the kernels. It is known that xbench scores go way up if the fsb is set incorrect. What was your previous score with 8.4.1 kernel??? if that's about the same (maybe a bit lower than the fsb=133) then your ok...


I don't know why the scores go up with wrong fsb, but i do know it isn't right :)


btw. Has someone any idea about my hdd speed????

My score with fsb set to 133 is about 60-70, with fsb set to 200 (default) is 110...

My score for opengl test is bigger with fsb 200 (~300fps) than with fsb 133 (~200fps).

Let's say that the xbench is crazy and wrong put my cpu score to 80, but why the video performance is affected?


My hdd score is low too... 45... but that is because i run on a old maxtor 5400 hdd :pirate2:

The 4kb blocks killed me :poster_oops:

My score with fsb set to 133 is about 60-70, with fsb set to 200 (default) is 110...

My score for opengl test is bigger with fsb 200 (~300fps) than with fsb 133 (~200fps).

Let's say that the xbench is crazy and wrong put my cpu score to 80, but why the video performance is affected?


Just a guess in the dark, The GMA uses part of CPU's capability's for calculating? (since it is an onboard vidcrd)


My hdd score is low too... 45... but that is because i run on a old maxtor 5400 hdd :P

The 4kb blocks killed me :D


Well, i tweaked a bit with the bios, forcing udma6 mode, and now got a score of 65. All the hdd tests are good, (+-100 or even higher) only the random uncached 4k blocks give me 19 points :S how is that possible?!?!?!

the gma gpu is in the chipset and don't use the cpu as i know... dunno...


about the hhd... i think xbench is reading a number of megabites in every test. if so, let's say 20mb / test, it need more time to read 20mb of data in 4kb blocks randomly...

but maybe i'm wrong :D

the gma gpu is in the chipset and don't use the cpu as i know... dunno...


dunno, but i do know that when you use the fsb=200 while you're cpu is 133 you're getting false scores.

about the hhd... i think xbench is reading a number of megabites in every test. if so, let's say 20mb / test, it need more time to read 20mb of data in 4kb blocks randomly...

but maybe i'm wrong :)


Correct, but i don't understand why my hdd scores high, or even above high in 3/4 tests and then perform way low (19) in only one test :S (i'm talking 'bout xbench scores, not actual mb's)


btw. Could it be possible that my shutdown problem is caused by the AppleSMBios.kext from _Prasys_'s fix?

Dunno, but with both mifki and semthex kernels no shutdown...

dunno, but i do know that when you use the fsb=200 while you're cpu is 133 you're getting false scores.



Correct, but i don't understand why my hdd scores high, or even above high in 3/4 tests and then perform way low (19) in only one test :S (i'm talking 'bout xbench scores, not actual mb's)


btw. Could it be possible that my shutdown problem is caused by the AppleSMBios.kext from _Prasys_'s fix?

Dunno, but with both mifki and semthex kernels no shutdown...


about the gma and scores with fsb 133/200... dunno... :happymac:) all works fine with fsb 133...

question: the default kernel in 10.4.8 jas dvd... what is it??? i mean if you don';t select a patched kernel...


the hdd problem... attaked is my f***** score... i must change the hdd with the one in my wein box... that is much faster...


I have a problem with the shutdown and sleep too...

If i put it to sleep, the system go to sleep but in 1 sec is up and it shows on screen the video bios text...

If i shutdown, it hangs with a blue screen. no atx command for the power source to turn off...


What is this???

Mac Pro (ID 10067)

Processor: Intel® Xeon® CPU 5150 @ 2.66GHz

Platform: Mac OS X x86 (64-bit)

Memory: 2048 MB


where can i find an 64bit osx86 kernel???? not leo... 64bit kernel for tiger...


BTW... sorry for my bad english :2cents:


about the gma and scores with fsb 133/200... dunno... :)) all works fine with fsb 133...

question: the default kernel in 10.4.8 jas dvd... what is it??? i mean if you don';t select a patched kernel...


the hdd problem... attaked is my f***** score... i must change the hdd with the one in my wein box... that is much faster...


I think the default is semthex (not latest ver.) because it boots with that kernel.

Your hdd is slow man, i had this too, with my seagate 20gb 5400...


I have a problem with the shutdown and sleep too...

If i put it to sleep, the system go to sleep but in 1 sec is up and it shows on screen the video bios text...

If i shutdown, it hangs with a blue screen. no atx command for the power source to turn off...


Well, al i got was a halting cpu message, hdd spin down and then no go :(


What is this???

Mac Pro (ID 10067)

Processor: Intel® Xeon® CPU 5150 @ 2.66GHz

Platform: Mac OS X x86 (64-bit)

Memory: 2048 MB


where can i find an 64bit osx86 kernel???? not leo... 64bit kernel for tiger...


Don't know, i actually thought that 64-bit would be implanted in leo... but as i read now, it should be here already... don't think it's cracked...

BTW... sorry for my bad english :P


np :D English is not my native language either, just a good exercise this way ;)

Yes, it boots with semthex... but look here:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 4142904 Oct 25 21:25 mach_kernel

-rw-r--r-- 1 lordlex lordlex 4146348 Oct 28 10:56 mach_kernel.mifki

-rw-r--r-- 1 lordlex lordlex 4142980 Oct 28 10:31 mach_kernel.semthex

This kernel don't know about fsb=133 at boot time... i'll try -g -y -z... it don;t read the fsb from that boot file... /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist


About the shutdown, i don't have any cpu msg... only halt on the blue screen...

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