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Good Day,


I have tried multiple options, but now I give up and request for your help. System does go to sleep, but wakes up instantly. Plus it takes considerable amount of time to put the system to sleep, monitor goes instantly to sleep, but the system takes telecast 20 to 30 seconds.


Shutdown works, although takes 15 seconds to shutdown once the command is issued, again monitor shuts off immediately.


I am using WIFI & Bluetooth Adapter - BCM9432C AirPort Extreme  (0x14E4, 0x133) - works perfectly fine.


In regards to Kext, I am only using RealtekRTL8111.kext & FakeSMC.kext


In regards to /drivers64UEFI - DataHubDxe-64.efi, FSInject-64.efi, HFSPlus.efi, OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi & SMCHelper-64.efi.


In regards to DSDT, I do not have one. I have attached complete details of clover and various BIOS setting, in the attached PDF.


Methods tried -

Pulled out all the USB devices - No luck

Tried changing ERP state in BIOS to Enable & Disable - No Luck

Used UEFI & Legacy boot option. No luck.

Tried DarkWake with option No, 0, 1 - No luck



Any help is appreciated.

Installing Clover.pdf





syslog |grep -i Wake reason.rtf

pmset -g assertions.rtf

Edited by vamose
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