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I've got High Sierra 10.13.6 running pretty well on a i5-6400, h370n gigabyte itx mobo, w/ sapphire 580 radeon GPU.


This is my second clean install trying to see if I can get my audio ports on my box working. First time around I had sleep/wake perfect but now it's mostly restarting on sleep and not waking up if it doesn't restart. I'm also getting 2-3 second freezes now every few minutes, which I wasn't before. Not sure what happened there. And I still don't have access to my audio jacks on the front or rear of my box. I can pipe it through HDMI or DisplayPort, and I also have a USB audio jack dongle, but would definitely like to use the native ports.  I've tried all id-layouts for my codec.


I also replaced the wifi card on the mobo with a BCM94352Z DW1560 but I'm not getting Wifi or BT through it. Possible I didn't seat it correctly when replacing it, but I'm trying everything else before I tear the mobo apart again.


Any ideas on how to get this operating as smoothly as possible would be much appreciated


Current kext list: 










12 hours ago, MaLd0n said:

take a shot


after reboot extract new SEND_ME with new files


Attached!  Still no audio jacks.  Does seem more stable though, maybe?

Send me LDCs-iMac.zip

Edited by Tychocrash
12 hours ago, Hervé said:

To me, DSDT patching is the most efficient solution since it's done once and for all and does not require to cache or inject any additional kexts. You'll find more details here:


Regarding Bluetooth, you'll have to install/inject Rehabman's patching kexts:

  • BrcmPatchRAM2
  • BrCMFirmwareRepo

As a pre-requisite, you'll have to make sure that the BT module is visible in System Information (SysProfiler) USB section. If it's not, then you need to make sure all your USB ports -internal one included- work Ok.


I've tried various combinations of rehab man's kexts in the clover EFI and in S/L/E, so maybe DSDT patching is the way to go? From reading through the links I'm still not exactly sure how to go about that but I'll continue digging...thanks!


Also, the module definitely does not show up in SysProfiler. All USB ports work. Maybe I just didn't install correctly.

For those in the future: the EFI zip on this hackintosher post without modification got me up and running close to 100%. I'm even avoiding updating the kexts because if it ain't broke etc etc.


For sound I went with VoodooHDA which is the only thing that got my audio jacks working. I flagged the halfvolumefix to true in the .plist and it's now running perfectly.


Still no WiFi.

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