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Dual Booting Vista & OSX86 - Active Partitions


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Hello, I have been multi-booting OSX86 with xp and various *nix OS's for some time.


I have recently installed Vista. For the Vista installer to work correctly, I needed to change the active partition from OSX86 to Vista.


I have not yet tried to reboot into OSX (as my LILO is currently shot after the Vista install), but I am curious if I will be allowed to be into OSX without the partition being set to "active".


More importantly, I am wondering if there is a commercial bootloader (as opposed to Lilo) that will set the partition as active just prior to booting it. Has anyone heard of a product like this?



Thanks much,



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After installing Vista, you could make the osx partition active again, using darwin bootloader to chose between osx and vista.


There's grub that can make a partition active before booting on it; standalone version is wingrub for example (tho never used it myself).


There's also Acronis OS Selector, non-free, with appropriate hack to make it recognize and boot vista.


I'd try darwin booloader first.

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