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ati mobility radeon 7500 using resolution 1400x1050

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hi there, ive installed osx 10.4.7 JaS on my Compaq Evo N800v Notebook without a problem. first boot, i just get a resolution of 1024x768 - no problem - edited Bootlist.pfile and set Graphics Mode to 1400x1050x32@60, when booting the next time i got a broken display when it reaches the desktop. if i boot into safe mode with boot parameter -x at startup i got the right resolution without a problem. what shall i do so i could use my displays resolution also in normal boot?


by the way at the boot prompt my graphics-card is detected as vesa v2.0 31MB (ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500)


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safe mode - skips all the extra extensions loading


normal - loads everyhing



so there you go ...i think it skips ATI kexts , giving you the basic frame buffer driver , if you want , you could delete ATI kexts

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i also have a problem with my Radeon 7500 64MB

QE is working. AGP is enabled OpenGL is working.


In 1280x1024 iss all fine but in 1400x1050 the notebookscreen is diagonally disorted. But the mouse appears

normal. If I set my Screen to 16bit i can select 1400x1050 and all is ok but the Mouse is only 3pixels large and i can only move it in a small frame on the screen.


Some tipps ?!





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  • 3 years later...

Sorry to bring up an old post, but I just got XxX 10.4.11 installed on my n620c, and I am having the exact same issue. I would love to have that 1400x1050 resolution, but I get the diagonal distortion. Right now I am using 1280x1024, which works ok, but it's not the best. If anyone came up with a solution for this that would really be great!



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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry to bring up an old post, but I just got XxX 10.4.11 installed on my n620c, and I am having the exact same issue. I would love to have that 1400x1050 resolution, but I get the diagonal distortion. Right now I am using 1280x1024, which works ok, but it's not the best. If anyone came up with a solution for this that would really be great!




I have the same problem on an IBM Thinkpad T30 2377-JBM. I arrived at this point taking all of the following steps in this order:


(1) installed JaS 10.4.8. Result: working display but "Displays" system preference pane only listed resolution of 1024x768 and System Profiler reported no Quartz Extreme.


(2) installed ATI 7500 kexts by manually unpacking the ATI_7500_Pack.dmg and following the instructions here http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...st&p=388293 i.e. without running the installer on that dmg file. Result: working display; "Displays" system preference pane listed full range of resolutions including 1400x1050 but selecting any resolution other than 1024x768 led to a black screen; System Profiler reported Quartz Extreme as enabled.


(3) ran the installer on ATI_7500_Pack.dmg. Result: working display; "Displays" system preference pane listed full range of resolutions including 1400x1050; all resolutions can be selected and the display adjusts accordingly except for 1400x1050 which gives the diagonally distorted display; System Profiler reports Quartz Extreme as enabled and screen savers e.g. Flurry now work.


(4) sudo nano /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeonGA.plugin/Contents/info.plist to change the IOProviderClass string back from "CallistoFB" (the setting recommended by the instructions referred to in (2)) to the default "IONDRVFramebuffer". Result: working display; "Displays" system preference pane listed full range of resolutions including 1400x1050; all resolutions can be selected including 1400x1050; however System Profiler now reports Quartz Extreme as unsupported; screen savers such as Flurry work but are plainly diagonally distorted.


So for my set up it looks like I have to choose between working QE but cannot have the top resolution or I can have the top resolution but no QE. One plus I suppose is that the change to select from these two options is a fairly simple edit to the relevant info.plist. I hope this sheds some light for someone.

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