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Hi everyone  ^_^
I'm trying to fix the issue about sleep/wake. The problem is that I click on Sleep, the computer goes to sleep well and I wake up by clicking the mouse and I could see the desktop until I start moving the mouse with lag and finally the graphics card crash (frame buffer, I suppose) and the computer restarts itself.
On clover I tried different boot flags, but didn't work. Also I tried some common patches on DSDT provided by Clover Configurator, but I can't solve it yet.  :(
My Hackintosh configuration:

  • ASRock G31M-S
  • Intel 2 Duo E2200 (Conroe)
  • Gigabyte GeForce GT 210 1GB DDR3

Last thing that I try is get a clean DSDT from terminal:

ioreg -arw0 -d1 -c AppleACPIPlatformExpert | xpath /plist/array/dict/dict[2]/data[2]/text\(\) | base64 -D -o ~/Desktop/DSDT.aml

Then I opened MaciASL and Patch the DSDT with this: http://olarila.com/files/Packs/ASRock/G31M%20S.txt
But I got some errors on the _PSD (CPU0) method that I can't fix
So, I don't know the right way and the next step. I attached origin zip with my OEM ACPI and a dump of "kextstat -k".



Any ideas to the next step? Is a good option try to fix the S-States?



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