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Weird POST problem with HFS filesystem

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Ok...This is weird.


I have a SATA WD CaviarSE 250 GB. Everything works fine as long as the drive is un-partitioned. Once I partition it in OS X my system won't make it pas the POST screen. It detects all the drives & hangs when it would normally jump to the next screen and look for an OS.


I have 2 other 200gb WD SATA Caviars in the machine & those work fine. I tried booting with just the 250 by itself but it made no difference.


My mobo is an MSI 945g Neo. Latest BIOS and all that.


I'm writing 0s to the drive right now with WD diagnostic tools on another machine (where it works fine BTW intel brand 915g board). I'll see if that helps...

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If your planing on using the whole disk for osx, then make two partitions FAT32 .


You have to install a full working install on one and then set up the second for your new 10.4.8 install.


You can play with either one after you all set up.

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I have 2 other HFS drives in the system, including my current 10.4.4 install that was partitioned in .4. Plus it works in my other machine. I wipe it with WD utilities, duplicate my running system to it & boot it in my other system on this 250.


FAT32 didn't work either. The BIOS is showing it's only a 137gb.


I'm tired of messing with it. I've been looking for a reason to get a new mobo... Probably go pick something up with a 975 to make way for core 2.


Thanks for the help though!

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