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I just get a faster IDE Hard drive (the one I was using is at least 7 yeard old, so very slow...

But I can't boot the OS after having it installed(DVD install 10.4.6) or clone (Super Duper).


The HD is a Maxtor Diamond Max 160gb which is mount by both the instalator and the previous system.



The error message on boot is allways the same: "b0 error"


Does anyone understant what is happeing to my Hackintosh ?




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Thank for answering, but know I'm very impatient and I errase my disk thinking that the backup went wrong at some point.


When I do a "diskutil list"

I can see that my Hard drives (the old and external SATA that i use for storage) arre in FDisk_partition_scheme and that my New Hard drive on which I want to transfer osx86 is in Apple_scheme or GUID_scheme I can't find how to creat a FDisk_scheme.

Do I have to use the Install DVD disk utility to get a FDisk_scheme

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my New Hard drive on which I want to transfer osx86 is in Apple_scheme or GUID_scheme I can't find how to creat a FDisk_scheme.

Do I have to use the Install DVD disk utility to get a FDisk_scheme

Disk Utility on the install DVD is old and won't create an MBR (FDisk_scheme) partition scheme. If you use a Windows/Linux disk/partition utility and format the drive as FAT32, this will create the MBR scheme. Then when you get into Disk Utility, select the primary partition (displayed below the hard drive) and format that as MacOS Extended Journaled (HFS+).

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