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ok so i installed osx 10.4.6 the instal went smooth. i formated my hd, made 3 partitions just cause i wanted too



i used super fdisk to set the partion with osx as active


when i boot.. it just scrolls thru a mch of text. then restarts and does that over and over


i tried booting with -F ... i got the apple logo.. then i restarts....

i have no idea whats going on

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Mobo = motherboard


You must not install all of the packages. Choose only Intel packages, not AMD. Choose SSE2 or SSE3, not both, depending upon the capability of your processor. Choose the Combo update to get the latest version of OSX. Choose other packages only if you are sure that your computer can use them.

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am i supposed to just choose one?.... i looked all over for this info.... but yeah... cant find it... iv been trying to get mac to work since i heard of this like... january lol.


its so close.... for some reason im hopping there is somthing i can just type at the boot up and it will start up properly


ok thats what im going to do this time be back in 30

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