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always get this now in any mode (tried -F,-f,-x,GraphicsEnabler=No,all of them do the same thing). looks like it's ending a process for some odd reason.


it also says 'IOBluetoothHCIController.kext' is missing a few minutes after it completed the loading sequence for it (albeit I didn't delete or install any BT related extensions).


can't send a verbose pic now (school-related issues) but I'm using a dellienware m17x r4,core i7 3610QM,GTX 660M (doesn't this card have native support,or that's the desktop version?),8gb RAM,nvidia drivers installed with core image (although imovie doesn't load because it says the same dreadful 'Quartz Extreme' message but I can still change res and the system profiler recognizes it).


any help?


edit - I just found out the volume where org.chameleon.Boot.plist was located had a 'corrupt node' ; well it is corrupt,so there we go,answered.

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