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Hello I had a Version of Clover which bootet nice but without injecting the Graphicscard right.


So I tried updating clover.


Now I only get a black screen when loading clover... not even the boot menu shows.


The log says following...

Clover EFI installer log - Fri Oct  3 13:25:13 PDT 2014
Installer version: v2k r2939 EFI bootloader
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *750.2 GB   disk0
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:       Microsoft Basic Data OnSet                   749.9 GB   disk0s2
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *512.1 GB   disk1
   1: DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC               314.6 MB   disk1s1
   2:                        EFI NO NAME                 104.9 MB   disk1s2
   3:         Microsoft Reserved                         134.2 MB   disk1s3
   4:                  Apple_HFS MacOS                   137.4 GB   disk1s4
   5:       Microsoft Basic Data                         322.1 GB   disk1s5
   6:       Microsoft Basic Data HP_TOOLS                2.1 GB     disk1s6
   7:       Microsoft Basic Data                         2.2 GB     disk1s7
   8:       Microsoft Basic Data                         47.7 GB    disk1s8
Backing up EFI files

Backing up stage2 file /Volumes/MacOS/EFIROOTDIR/boot  to /Volumes/MacOS/EFI-Backups/r2877/2014-10-03-13h25/boot
Backing up /Volumes/MacOS/EFIROOTDIR/EFI folder to /Volumes/MacOS/EFI-Backups/r2877/2014-10-03-13h25/EFI
Installing BootSectors/BootLoader

Stage 0 - Don't write any of boot0af, boot0md, boot0ss to /
Stage 1 - Don't write any of boot1h2, boot1f32alt to /
Stage 2 - Written boot6 (x64) to /Volumes/ESP/boot
Installing RC Scripts

Installing RC scripts on target volume '/'

Theme 'BGM' (defined in config.plist) not found !
Using default theme 'applestyle'
=========== Clover EFI Installation Finish ===========

But i don't now what those stages mean...


Can anyone explain what happened?




i just restored the backup the clover installer made.


now I reinstalled the new clover version in custom mode and deactivated the video fix driver.

Now the clover menu shows up again but when i want to boot mac os it halts after the ++++++++++++++++++++++ signs


Edit 2:


Now it works:

also had to remove lowmemfix... now it boots again, but graphics still don't work for me...


Anyone who knows how to inject a Quadrom K2100M ?

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