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Hey, ok so let me give you thr run down. I have a Radeon 9550 graphics card and i just installed Callisto 008 and these ati driver things from a forum in here. but I cant seem to get opengl to work. I try to play Wc3 and it gives me a opengl error, I cant use screensavers etc... So anyone know of a fix for this? I can provide any more info needed (o running mac os x 10.4.7 on my former pc btw) thanks in advance.

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I believe Callisto doesn't enable OGL/CI/QE (Correct me if I am wrong.) that you need to play games. Callisto helps you with the resolution and other things. I am not an ATi fan nor a user, so I cannot give you much more info. One thing I think you may need to modify is the ATIRadeon9700.kext, as said in the wiki compatability listings by editing the Info.plist in /Contents/ of the said kext. You should add your device id to the list. (Again, correct me if I am wrong.)


-Good luck,



EDIT: Rammjet beat me to it. Read his post instead.

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i do not see any kext named ATIRadeon9700.kext

You said you installed Callisto.


Lack of ATI9700 files in the Extensions folder means something is screwed up with your installation.


Plus, you have yet to explain what those "ati driver things" are.




I just checked the 10.4.7 install DVD.


The 9700 files are installed by the basic installer. Then the 10.4.7 Combo Update installs updated versions of the files.


You should have the 9700 files in your system if you installed from the 10.4.7 install DVD.

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ok a few things

1. I made a typo in posting my version (its 10.4.6)

2. I found that 9700 file in a folder in my system called extensions disabled in 10.4.6 and i moved it into the extensions folder, edited it like the faq said and still no go on opengl

3. those driver things aren't important

4. I see more 9700 files in this disabled folder, should I move those to the extensions folder?

5. still looking for help thanks so fay, but still no opengl.

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The 10.4.6 install DVD operates the same way as the 10.4.7 install DVD.


You have to edit the Info.plist file in CallistoHAL.kext to match your ATI card's PCI device ID to get Callisto functioning.


You have to edit ATIRadeon9700GA.plugin per the FAQ in Callisto to get QE/CI functioning. Check it in your System Profiler.


Once you get QE/CI going then you should get OpenGL support.

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ok where in the install info for callisto does it say to edit the 9700 file? because i do not see it and I am lookin at the install info right now... and what do i edit there...

I did some checking and editing the ATIRadeon9700.kext is for cards that would use the Koverg patch to get QE/CI. Generally, that doesn't apply to the 9550. However, you are welcome to explore it: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=21182




Did you place all of the ATI-9700 files back into the Extensions folder?


Did you edit the Info.plist file in the CallistoHAL.kext? What was the value that you placed there?


Did you edit the Info.plist in ATIRadeon9700GA.plugin and under the IOProviderClass key, change IONDRVFramebuffer to CallistoFB?


Did you place the Callisto.kext and the CallistoHAL.kext into the Extensions folder?


After placing all the files into the Extensions folder, did you repair permissions?


Did you delete the 2 files: /System/Library/Extensions.mkext and /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache right before you rebooted?


One wildcard thing to try is this: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?s=&...st&p=176868


Afterward, need to delete the 2 files and repair permissions again.

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1. yes all the files are in the correct folder now

2. Yes the info.plist has been edited and the value was just changing the normal value from the end 0 to a 3 (sorry i dont remember the exact number something like 4053 or something like that)

3. Yes edited that

4. yes placed them in the correct folder

5. yes repaired the permissions

6. yes deleted the files


now fyi callisto is working, i know this because i can change the resolution its just the opengl that is not working. my card supports it because i was able to use it on windows. any further ideas?

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now fyi callisto is working, i know this because i can change the resolution its just the opengl that is not working. my card supports it because i was able to use it on windows. any further ideas?

Check in System Profiler to see if Quartz Extreme and Core Image are being supported.

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Radeon 9550 AS:


Chipset Model: Radeon 9550 AS

Type: Display

Bus: PCI

VRAM (Total): 128 MB

Vendor: ATI (0x1002)

Device ID: 0x4153

Revision ID: 0x0000



Resolution: 1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz

Depth: 32-bit Color

Core Image: Not Supported

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes

Quartz Extreme: Not Supported



ok so I have obviously messed up somewhere, but I cany imagen where i followed the instructions to a T

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Verify that you put the value "41531002" into the Info.plist in CallistoHAL.kext.


Try the wildcard thing I mentioned above and delete the 2 files and repair permissions after.


Try the editing of ATIRadeon9700.kext in the link I provided above.


You installed 10.4.6. The Callisto docs mention that 10.4.6 kexts might cause a problem and recommend the 10.4.5 kexts. You can download Pacifist from Charlessoft and the 10.4.5 Intel Update from Apple and use Pacifist to install the ATIRadeon9700 files from 10.4.5. Use Pacifist to open the PKG installer from Apple. Follow the path of System -> Library -> Extensions. Highlight all of the ATIRadeon9700 files and then click the Install button at the top of Pacifist. Then you'll have to edit the ATIRadeon9700.plugin again. Then delete the 2 files and repair permissions after.


Don't know what else to tell you. But without QE/CI (Quartz Extreme/Core Image), you won't get OpenGL.

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Ok... i did your wildcard thing and now i have a bid problem... I cant boot, my computer freezes during boot, after it loads callistoHAL........ please help me!!! how can i get booting again? can i delete the callisto file??? help me!!!!

I hope you repaired permissions after the edit.


Boot in safe mode.


When you boot OSX, the screen first turns black then grey with a spinning icon. As soon as the screen turns black, start tapping the F8 key quickly and continuously until a command prompt appears. At the prompt, type: -s


This will boot you to a command line environment. Type the following:

mount -uw /
cd /System/Library/Extensions
mkdir callisto_backup
mv Callisto* callisto_backup/
cd /System/Library
rm -rf Extensions.mkext
rm -rf Extensions.kextcache

You will find the Callisto files in the Extensions folder in another folder called "callisto_backup". You can repair the Callisto.kext and put the Callisto files back into the Extensions folder.


Be sure to delete the 2 files and repair permissions.

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Boot the install DVD. When it asks you to hit Enter or F8, hit F8. Select the OSX partition in the menu and type -s at the prompt. Type the commands I gave above.


Later on you will want to investigate setting your OSX partition "active" so you don't have to boot using the DVD:


1) Boot the install DVD. Hit Enter when it asks and go into the installer. Select Terminal in the Utilities menu and do this: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=22844


2) Boot into OSX and modify the boot.plist as follows:

Edit the boot.plist file at "/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist" and add the following:





Edit the following and remove the


<keyKernel Flags</key>



You can edit the file by dragging it to the Desktop and editing it with TextEdit, then dragging it back, answering the 2 resulting dialogs - Authenticate and yes to replace, then followed by using Disk Utility to repair permissions on the OSX partition.


Or you can do it via Terminal with this command:

sudo nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist


These steps should allow you to boot OSX without a DVD and give you a bootloader.

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