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Hello experts :)


I have a problem when I try to install mac os x 10.4.6


I have a DVD, but when I try to install gives me the following error:


SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, ASC = 0x30, ASCQ = 0x02


and then keeps displaying


still waiting for root device


I have an XPS Gen 4 Computer


with Intel 3.4 Ghtz

SATA Hard drive

1Gb ram

Nvidia 6800 256 MB



any suggestions???


thanks a Lot


Luis Saavedra

SAM Multimedia means that the system is having trouble reading the DVD.


You need to reburn the DVD at the slowest speed possible. If available, use a different brand or different type (dvd-r, dvd+r, dvd-rw, dvd+rw) of media.


If that fails, then see if you can update the firmware of your optical drive.

Be sure to burn large files at a slow speed (like 2x) to advoid errs and use media like DVD-R or DVD-RW

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