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I was looking over my system, the last dependency on Tonymac that I think I have is this kext called "AHCI_3rdParty_SATA.kext"

It seems that it enables the Marvell 88SE9172 controller.

Is there a way I can inject this via Clover instead of a kext?


According to this guide http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/288829-guide-gigabyte-z77x-ud5h-clover-uefi-installtweak-guide/ they changed the info.plist of FakeSMC to make it work. But what if I update FakeSMC? Won't I lose this setting?


Any help would be appreciated.

Injected into the to see this. AppleAHCIInjector.kext 


<key> Marvell88SE91xxAHCI </ key> 


<key> CFBundleIdentifier </ key> 

<string> com.apple.driver.AppleAHCIPort </ string> 

<key> Chipset Name </ key>. 

<string> 88SE91xx AHCI </ string>. 

<key> IOClass </ key> 

<string> AppleAHCI </ string> 

<key> IOPCIClassMatch </ key> 

<string> 0x01060100 & 0xffffff00 </ string>. 

<key> IOPCIPrimaryMatch </ key> 

<string> 0x91201B4B 0x91231B4B 0x91281B4B 0x91301B4B 0x91721B4B </ string>.

<key> IOProbeScore </ key> 

<integer> 2000 </ integer> 

<key> IOProviderClass </ key> 

<string> IOPCIDevice </ string> 

<key> Vendor Name </ key>. 

<string> Marvell </ string> 

</ dict>

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